If you have kids then you probably know the "terrible 2's" all too well....
The meltdowns over pretty much nothing, yeah.
From the time we walk through the door in the evenings till bedtime, life is SO dramatic for our toddler. Absolutely EVERYTHING is a big deal!
She didn't want her pink sippy cup, she wanted her "big girl cup" that she got for christmas....the one that doesn't have a lid and she spills everywhere
She wanted the WHOLE bag of chips, not the little bowl of chips you gave her
She didn't want you to break her piece of candy in half (we knew she'd shove the whole thing in her mouth at once)
She didn't want you to tear her coloring sheet out of her coloring book
You touched her
You wouldn't let her walk around with no diaper
You put beans on her plate....she didn't want them on her plate, she wanted them on her tray to her highchair
Usually by the time 8:00 rolls around we're putting on her Pj's and trying to get her calmed down for bed time (which again is another battle). I've recently started getting into Essential Oils and I have stumbled across a few oils that are great for helping us through these wild days with our 2 year old!
If your like me, your desperate to try anything to calm down your kiddos....or help them sleep.
I absolutely love lavender for Sophia. Its a great oil for a couple of reasons. Its wonderful for skin support (dry skin, excema, burns, scarring, rashes, cuts), calming, sleep, allergies, stress
Gentle Baby
calms & relaxes babies, relieves colic, diaper rash, reduces stress during pregnancy, reduces stretch marks, soothing for chapped skin, rejuvenate skin, reduces scar tissue
(dilute with carrier oil and rub where needed; put a drop in moms hand and have baby inhale, diffuse 2 to 3 drops in room)
Peace & Calming
meditation, tantrums (yes please-dilute and apply to back of neck and feet of children to calm over activity and put a stop to tantrums!), overactive pets, teeth grinding, insomnia, relaxing bath, anxiety, massage
Does exactly what it says! AND its part of Young Living's KidScents collection!
They are specially formulated to just the right strength for children so you never have to dilute them!
Apply to children's feet as a part of a before nap or bedtime routine!
To learn more about essential oils, check out my website below:
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